So, it's time to prepare for the holidays, said the lady on the TV. I'm pretty sure that without her announcement, I would have missed it!
We're already in the midst of the strangest holiday yet. I've decided I'm not going to sweat it, and I don't think you should either. Instead, I'm trying to remember that the most important thing is family. My hope for the holidays is that I remember that simple, yet profound fact.
Here's our new mantra: Do what you can.
If there's ever a year to use the cheat codes, it's this one. Go ahead and decorate to get into the holiday spirit, but be kind and patient with yourself, and the kids. Order online where possible and make things if you are so inclined. Week by week, put aside or do a few things to prepare–it adds up to more relaxed season. Offer the kind of gifts that don't come with price tags, such as watching a toddler while mom deals with a newborn (in your bubble, of course). If you are buying, practical gifts are where it's at this year; think grocery gift cards or delivery for new parents, or take care of yard clean up for the grandparents.
Our most precious asset is always time. Be generous with it among those you love, give it freely to those who need it most, and be sure to protect it - especially your own.
We created this year's holiday guide with the do what you can spirit. And because we know that finances are tight for many this year. We've focused on value for money with all but one item under $100. Download our guide here