Breastfeeding. When I was pregnant, everyone said breastfeeding is going to be natural. It was kind of just assumed that I'd be good at it, I mean, it's the natural thing to do, right? Unfortunately for me, it didn't come naturally. I struggled. I struggled with the bleeding and sore nipples, the latch, the discomfort of it at first. Eventually, it got better once I saw a lactation consultant, but I still wasn't msaking enough and needed to increase my supply.
I needed a pump, but there were so many to choose from, my lactation consultant recommended Medela and a few moms had recommended the Pump In Style®. I liked it because it came with a cute travel bag for when I had to go for meetings. It made it easy to pump when I was out and the motor was powerful. I had previously used the hospital grade pump and I felt like the Pump In Style® had a similar feel to it.
Four years later, I had my son, and my Pump In Style® was still going strong. I changed the pumping parts and shields, which was easy to do since they sell the kits at most drugstores.
Fast forward 9 years and my friend recently had her first baby and having very similar challenges. She asked me what brand of pump, I think she should get, and because I used Medela and liked it, that's what came to mind. She tested out the new Freestyle Flex™, and these are what we loved about it.
- It's tiny but strong.
- It's quiet.
- The personal fit breast shields make pumping comfortable.
- It's easy to bring around, even fitting in some pockets.
- USB-chargeable battery means you can pump anywhere even from your computer while watching your fave show.
I checked out the new line of pumps, and they've come a long way. The reliable Pump In Style® is still around, now it's called Pump In Style® MaxFlow™. It looks like they've made it sleeker and quieter, too.
Even though it wasn't the easiest or the most natural, I'm glad that I was able to get the tools and resources that helped in my breastfeeding journey.