Contest Winners Announcement

Friday, November 18, 2011 2:10 PM | Debbi
Congratulations to Catherine C. and Kim S., who have both won a pair of tickets to the One Urban Mama Show this weekend! Enjoy the show and do drop by and say hi at the Life With a Baby booth.

Our Winners

Here are some of the experiences entered by our contestants - thank you so much for sharing!

  • Watching my son grow up before my eyes. Watching him discover the world around him, learning to smile, laugh, babble, sit, eat, crawl...taking small steps everyday in becoming his own person. -- Shelley H.
  • As a 'choice mom' (a single woman choosing to become a parent) every moment has been so rewarding for me.  Each new milestone has me running for the camera.  My baby is now 10 months old and starting to communicate with me through sign language.  Seeing her use her very first sign (dog) in context has shown me just how early communication begins in a baby.  She signs dog when she sees a dog, hears the word, reads about it in a book.  Now if only I could get her to sign 'more' instead of grunting at me!   -- Lisa G.
  • Teaching my son new things at watching him grow and learn.  -- Kim S.
  • Hearing the word Mommy for the first time!  -- Keely B.
  • My most rewarding experience so far as a parent is seeing my two children smile and laugh with each other.  They are 7 months old and 26 months old and I just love seeing them play together on their own (mostly the older one initiating the play).  -- Helen W.
  • When I pick her up from daycare and she has a BIG smile on her face; she comes running to me & says 'I love you'.  That just melts my heart!!!  -- Corinne V.
  • My most rewarding experience so far is each moment my daughter learns to do something new.  From walking, clapping, crawling every moment is so rewarding.  -- Jasmine D.

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