I love family holidays especially long weekends, when we are all off from work and school. This gives us all time to spend together. We don’t have to wake up at the sound of the alarm. I usually get woken up with all three of my kids in bed with me. Kids love to talk to you about stuff in the morning (lol). So all three of them will try to say something all at once or try to talk over each other. Hubby is usually not impressed.
On these days I know I don’t have to work being a working-stay-at-home-mom. I don’t feel guilty for playing with the kids, doing activities or crafts. This is the one thing that I struggle with every day. Since I work from home I could work all day and night.
This past weekend we did at least two or three activities each day and the kids loved it. They loved it because it kept them busy and they had my full attention. I loved it because it kept them busy, I got to spend time with them and it got them off the screen. They are so much nicer, happier little people when they are doing things and are keeping busy. Doing activities such as a craft is something I need to do more, for myself. I need to practice, as I am one of those moms who is a perfectionist and I get stressed when a craft is not done right. I go back and fix it or say “no, not like that” “not that colour”. So this helps me to learn; to keep my hands off, go with the flow, that it is ok if my kids don’t do it perfect, if they don’t do it the way the craft asks or if they don’t use the right colours. Helps me let them be creative and use their imagination. I love when at the end I look at the finished product and ask them to explain it and it makes me smile to see their vision.
So the kids picked specific Easter crafts and below are the end result of what they did. I just let them do what and how they wanted. The best part is they had FUN. Lots of fun doing it and were proud of their final products. This mom did an awesome job of staying out of the way and keeping her mouth shut.
Here are the Easter cookies they wanted to do:

Here are the Easter bunny ears cupcakes they picked:

This is what wanted for breakfast Easter Sunday:

Now here are the end products. Maybe this post should have been a Pinterest “nailed it” post (hehe)

We had a great Easter long weekend. They did not drive me crazy and make me wish they were at school. It was fun and relaxed with just the right balance of everything. We had some good food, watched movies and played games without watching the clock.
Until the next holiday, looking forward to it!