Bell Lets Talk Maternal Mental Health 2021 Tool Kit

Wednesday, January 27, 2021 10:04 PM | Claire (Administrator)

Thursday, January 28th is Bell Let's Talk day and every single social media post that includes both the #BellLetsTalk and #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth hashtags matters!  

Why does this matter? 1 in 5 moms will experience a perinatal mood and anxiety disorder, including postpartum depression and anxiety, and maternal suicide is a leading cause of death in postpartum women. The more we talk, the more women know they are not alone. Please lend your voice to bringing awareness to the need for a national strategy for mothers in Canada. Read my story on the Bell Let’s Talk page here.

Not sure what to say? Below we’ve put together some sample tweets and social media messages, as well as some key messages and facts for you to use:

@lifewithababy has joined forces with #BellLetsTalk to highlight the fight to support maternal mental health. Use #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth to show you care!

Today on #BellLetsTalk Day, we embrace those navigating Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders. We’re in this together.  

Check in on a new or expecting mom today. Just hearing your voice can make a difference to someone dealing with Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders including depression, insolation, or anxiety.  
#BellLetsTalk #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

1 in 5 women will experience Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders. Some won’t even know it. Let’s change that. @lifewithababy offers resources, events and activities near you. 
#BellLetsTalk #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

Know a new parent? They might be dealing with more than sleepless nights. A call, a meal, an invite for coffee or a walk, or to watch the baby for an hour can go a long way to help. 

It takes a village to raise great kids - and it starts with supporting parents. Check in, follow-up, offer help. We’re in this together. 

What does maternal mental health mean to you? Have a story or advice to share? 

1 in 5 women will experience Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders but may be too afraid to ask for help. Let’s change that.  

Research shows peer support reduces social isolation. New parents often struggle with Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders in silence. Let’s change that. Check in, follow-up, offer help. 

Key Messages

Today is #BellLetsTalkDay and we need to talk but we also need to do more for new moms. Maternal Mental Health is linked to positive child health outcomes. #BellLetsTalk #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

Postpartum depression doesn't discriminate. It can happen to anyone but there is help. Thank you @serenawilliams for sharing your #PPD story @voguemagazine #BellLetsTalk #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

Research by @CindyLee_Dennis shows peer support can PREVENT #PostpartumDepression by 50%! Peer support works #BellLetsTalk #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

Find online resources for #PMADs here: #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

We compiled a list of resources for Manitoba if you know of others please add it in the comments #BellLetsTalk #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

#PMAD resources available in Ontario. If you know of more please add in the comments #BellLetstalk #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

#PMAD resources in British Columbia. Please share and add more to the list #BellLetsTalk #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

#PMAD resources in Saskatchewan. Please share and add more to the list #BellLetsTalk #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

#PMAD resources in Nova Scotia. Please share & add more to the list #BellLetsTalk #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

#PMAD resources in Yukon. Please share and add more to the list #BellLetsTalk #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

#PMAD resources in Newfoundland. Please share & add more to the list #BellLetsTalk #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

#PMAD resources in PEI. Please share & add more to the list #BellLetsTalk #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

#PMAD resources in New Brunswick. Please share & add more to the list #BellLetsTalk #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

#PMAD resources in the Northwest Territories. Please share & add more #BellLetsTalk #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

#PMAD resources in Nunavut. Please share & add more #BellLetsTalk #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

#PMAD resources in Alberta. Please share & add more to list #BellLetsTalk #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

#PMAD resources in Quebec. Please share and add more to the list #BellLetsTalk #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

#PostpartumDepression can happen to anyone @Adele experienced it too #BellLetsTalk #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

When we share we break down the stigma and help another mom. Thank you @chrissyteigen for sharing your story @glamourmag #BellLetsTalk #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

Life With A Baby (LWAB) is a peer support system whose goal is to provide ongoing practical & emotional peer-based support for parents of children up to the age of six. For more information click here: #BellLetsTalk #BellLetsTalkMaternalMentalHealth

Thank you for joining in the conversation your voice will make a difference

Claire & the LWAB Team 

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