Jay Getfield wrote:I am at Dufferin and Rutherford so Thornhill Woods is perfect for me. My only concern is that I have twin boys who are just about turning 10 months old. How would it be feasible to calm them down for YOGA. I signed up a few weeks ago but cancelled because I wasn't sure of how things would play out during the YOGA session since they began walking three weeks ago and they look for every opportunity to try out their legs.
I'm at Dufferin/ Rutherford, too :)
You will probably not be able to participate in much of the class if your boys are already walking. These classes are more yoga for mom than the babies. In the future, I may look in to offering yoga classes for moms with walkers/ toddlers but once again, this will be mainly for mom.
In terms of kids yoga, most classes accommodate kids from age 3 upwards. However, be aware that yoga for kids is usually games and animal poses ot always calms them down. I know the Thornhill Ontario Early Years Centre offers kids yoga at the Forest Run school (near Dufferin/ Rutherford in Dufferin Hill) on Wednesdays at 1:30pm, but I do believe it's for ages 18 months up, so you may have to wait it out.