Brought to you in partnership with Life With A Baby and EarlyON Child and Family Centre Thornhill.
Zumbini is a four-day program of one hour each day over a period of four weeks. You are registering to attend all four days.
A fun and interactive Zumba® class for you and your baby, facilitated by a registered Zumba® instructor.
Among the many benefits of Zumbini...
Zumbini not only provides a wonderful workout for parents, but it also provides the opportunity for infants to experience the sounds and rhythm of the music and movements. Zumbini also encourages parent-infant bonding while helping to develop cognitive abilities, motor and social skills, language, and emotional well-being.
Please note that carrying your child in a wrap, sling, mei-tai, soft-structured, or backpack-style carrier will allow you and your child to fully participate in the program.
Please note the zoom link will be sent you with your confirmation email and again in your reminder email.
Note: To participate, you must have access to the internet and the most current version of Zoom.